Day 7 - In The Beginning - Bryce Canyon

Waking at 5:00 AM, Cletis found that the cilia in his lungs were recovering from the previous day's sedation under nicotine. They had begun the arduous process of moving "yesterday's" tar and resin up and out of his lungs into a slimy froth for ready expulsion over fuzzy tongue and through sebaceous lips. Lips torn, crusted and sure to catch the edge of the slime on the way out and flip it back down the chin if Cletis wasn't careful. As always, Cletis instinctually fought against the natural order of things and tried to suppress the movement of the marching hairs. The flood of mucus stalled in his throat.

Cletis' lungs He crawled forward on his elbows, and once his head and shoulders had moved a foot out of the tent, he lit the first cigarette of the day. He felt the first faint flickering of a headache and puzzled over its origins. He choked down his second deep drag off the cigarette and suppressed the cough that accompanied the inevitable warm nausea that caused his stomach to contract and his shoulders to ache. Cletis smiled through eyes that, while open, laid no claim to being able to focus.

His right knee jerked and his foot shot sideways into Billy Bob's hip. "Want one?" he queried holding the smoldering stick under Billy Bob's nose.

"Fuck off" snarled Billy Bob rolling away from the center of the tent and protecting his nose with his arm pit.

"Cwanughnhwk" it came. Cletis hacked, hunched tight and forward pulling himself another foot out of the tent as the morning mucus projectile shot out toward the fire pit.

In considered defiance of the hot poker starting to stir in the back of his skull, Cletis pulled deep again on the cigarette. Nausea hit back hard and the accompanying dizziness momentarily pushed the headache to one side.

Six more hurried puffs and he closed his eyes before flipping the remainder of the cigarette in the general direction of the mucus ball.

Cletis slid back into the tent and rolled onto his back for 15 minutes more sleep before the crows and Yogi Bear came to inspect the smoldering cigarette and kick his ass out of bed.

later in the morning
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